ESV New Inductive Study Bible Giveaway

ESV New Inductive Study Bible
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16)

My passion is to study the Bible and encourage women to do the same. God’s word is living and life changing when we get to know and apply it to our lives. It is vital we know His word and what it says to grow in our relationship with the Lord.

I am excited to have Melissa Deming, Christina Fox and Jessalyn Hutto share with us their passion for God, His Word and Bible study. I am so thankful for these ladies. They encourage, teach and mentor women daily with truth from Scripture. You will be blessed reading their comments.

Melissa Deming
The more I study the Bible, the more I discover its beauty. Far from being an old boring book full of tedious names and stuffy stories, the Holy Scriptures are a literary masterpiece. It’s why in many circles one cannot be considered well-read until he or she has grappled with the scope of the biblical storyline, interacted with its flawed characters, risen and plummeted through its rollercoaster plot, and cheered over the piercing resolution at the end of the story. Only a masterpiece can maintain a unified story that stretches over 66 books, from beginning to end – Genesis to Revelation. Only a masterpiece can utilize such literary devices that make Western epics and modern titles seem pale.
For example, did you know that the book of Ruth was written using a daunting (and very rare) literary device called a chiasm? The book is structured in layers with the outer layers mirroring each other and the inner layers mirroring each other. Where the layers finally meet in the middle, the reader finds the main point of the entire story. And oh, the middle section of Ruth (where the layers meet) a lovely place to dwell, indeed, as God provides our heroine a kinsman-redeemer!
God’s inspiration is of the very best kind. Believers need not be ashamed to take pleasure in studying God’s Word over other books. The Word of God is robust and grand. I study it because it is life-giving. I study it because it is life-changing. I study it because it is living! But I also study it because it is truly lovely – a literary masterpiece unparalleled. And why wouldn’t it be? Its author is, after all, the God who imagined colors, the God who fashioned the delicate wings of the butterfly, and the God who painted the evening sunset – all through his spoken Word. Could we expect any less grandeur from his written Word as well?

Melissa Deming 2
Melissa has a M.Div. in Women’s Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Journalism from Texas A&M University. Melissa and her husband, Jonathan, is helping start a church plant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They have five-year-old twin boys, Zacharias and Jonah.
Melissa will be launching a new ladies Bible study soon: Daughters of the King!

Christina Fox
Following the resurrection, Jesus met Cleopas and another disciple on the road to Emmaus. Not realizing who he was, they told him what had happened in Jerusalem. Jesus responded, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And He explained to them the Scriptures. And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself” (Luke 24:25-27).
I often wonder what that conversation was like for those disciples. All of a sudden, the stories they’d heard their whole life fell into place. From Creation to Moses to David to the prophets, all of Scripture is about Jesus. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:15-17).
This is why I study Scripture, to know this Jesus in whom “all things hold together.” He is the exact representation of the invisible God, who took on flesh, lived in this sinful world without sin, was despised and rejected, and died so that I might live. All of Scripture points to him; Jesus is the scarlet thread woven throughout all of God’s Word.
Like reading letters from the one we love, reading Scripture opens my eyes to God’s great love and mercy for me through Jesus Christ. Every year, I go through the Bible from beginning to end, reading the beautiful story of love, a story of sin and redemption, of runaway sinners and a holy God revealing his plan to pursue and bring them back to himself. In finding Jesus in the pages of Scripture, my heart resonates with Cleopas and his friend when they said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) Because the more I read, the more I see how much I need a Savior and just how great a sacrifice it was when God became man and dwelt among us. “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10). And the more I study, the more I love him in return.

Christina Fox
Christina, her husband and 2 boys live in Florida. She received a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and worked in the counseling field for about eight years before her oldest son was born. She no longer practices as a counselor but spends her time writing for various websites and publications. She is in her third year of homeschooling, a Bible study leader, Sunday school teacher, and facilitates a women’s discipleship group.

Jessalyn Hutto
From my earliest days as a Christian, I was taught the importance of studying the Word of God. My church leaders and mentors stressed the need for me to be a diligent student of my Bible: reading it, memorizing it, meditating on it, and studying it. As I have grown in my walk with the Lord I’ve come to view bible study as less of a discipline and more as a nutritional necessity for my spiritual life. Knowing God, which is the sole purpose of studying his word, is my greatest desire because he is the source of all joy, peace, comfort, and hope. It is for this reason that I continue to come back to my copy of the Word day after day, seeking to understand it properly, and praying for a more complete vision of our holy and wondrous God. His Word is a precious gift to us and we rob ourselves of immense blessing if we don’t seek to mine its depths and understand its content.

Jessalyn Hutto 2
Jessalyn is married to Richard and they have 3 little boys. When her husband graduates from seminary in December they are looking forward to where God leads them in ministry. Her greatest desire is to encourage women to trust in the grace of our Lord and Savior, not only for salvation, but for the strength to daily live a Christ-exalting life.

To encourage you in your Bible study and walk with the Lord, I am excited to offer you an opportunity to win an ESV New Inductive Study Bible. This Bible will give you a more intimate understanding of God and His Word because it encourages you to study on your own. This is the only Bible based entirely on the inductive study approach by providing simple, proven tools for observing what the text says, interpreting what it means, and application to your life.

You can check it out and order (if you are not a winner) at

I love my New Inductive Study Bible and you will to!

I would love to connect with you by Facebook, Email or Twitter by clicking the links on the sidebar.

Click on the link below to enter. The giveaway ends on midnight Saturday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

reWritten -A Free Book Giveaway

rewritten pic

I am part of a retreat this weekend, “The Story Lives On”. I reminded that we all have a story that God is writing so I am reposting this again with the book giveaway.

Thinking on how God changes us from the Inside Out, I want to share with you a book, reWritten by Bruce and Heather Moore. So many books on the market focus on the external, what will make us feel better about ourselves. We are told how we look, what our career is, and how much money we have is most important. This book reminds us that what really matters is our heart, God transforming us, rewriting our story, exchanging it for His story.

It is important that we ask ourselves the right questions and this book asks them.

Who did God create me to be?

What is the story God has had for me all along?

What is keeping me from living out that story?

This book reminds us that we are created in the image of God and how we are to represent that. God is in the process of rewriting our story and how.

Forgiveness:” Forgiveness frees you up and moves your life forward. It gives you the opportunity to exchange your story for God’s story.”

Fulfilling Your Assignments: “Our life stories are most fulfilling when we accomplish the unique assignments God has given us. When we fulfill these assignments, it gives our lives purpose and meaning.”

Generosity: “When we are generous with our money, time, and talents, we are mirroring God’s image in us for He is generous and lavish in all He does”

Humility: “Humility positions us to trust in God rather than in our own abilities and plans. It removes self and entrusts our future into His hands. It refocuses our attention onto God’s plans”

Suffering: “Every painful experience has with it the assurance that God is creating something out of the loss. He rewrites our story by bringing something good out of our pain”

The authors also help us to be aware of “Story Killers”, those things that can stop the transformation process and keep us from living to our full potential.

I love that the book is filled with scripture and there are discussion questions called “Story Builders” throughout the chapter so while reading you can stop and think about what was said, examine your heart, apply it, allowing God to change your story.

We are in this process of God changing us from the Inside Out and this is one resource that will help.

I will give away a copy of this book. Leave a comment below or connect with me on Facebook. A winner will be drawn at random, Sunday March 17th.

(The book can be purchased at

Morning By Morning by Charles Spurgeon- Giveaway

morning by morning devo

The Sovereign LORD wakens me morning by morning…. Wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. (Isaiah 50:4)

My husband and I started in January going through Morning by Morning, The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon.
Today as my husband left for work he said that he has “really enjoyed this devotional because of how Charles Spurgeon along with the current day writer demonstrate how much God and Christ has and still is actively pursuing, providing and protecting us.”

Charles Spurgeon’s writing is still very revelant. We love his perspective that shows how the Old Testament and New Testament relate. This is evident from his quote: “I take my text and make a beeline to the cross”

A good devotional is to do that-lead us to the cross, to glorify God. It is to help us start thinking on the Lord and His word each morning creating a thirst to dig into it in a deeper way!

I am giving away a copy of this devotional Saturday; a name will be drawn out of a hat.

To enter, click “like” on the Living Inside Out Facebook page
or if you have already “liked” the page click like or comment in the status
or comment on this blog.

I look forward to hearing from you!